Sunday, January 20, 2008

Blogging and supplies and business cards, oh my!

Well, here it is, my first post of the year and it's still January! I'd say that's not bad going! I have a few ideas in the making for this here Numpty Blog so here's to a bloggy 2008!


In other news, I made my first trip to Hobby Craft yesterday. I say "trip" but perhaps pilgrimage would be more appropriate - I was ridiculously excited when we got there (and I'm sure that only had a teeny bit to do with finding a pair of fabulous boots in my size on sale just before we went in!). Needless to say, I'd never been to a Hobby Craft store before as until now the closest one to me had been over the border in Newcastle - though don't let that fool you into think I hadn't thought about making the trip down there before now! I was more than a little intrigued when I found out that a branch had opened here in Scotland – yay!

So yesterday, off we went. Can you say "overwhelmed"? I was amazed at the unbelievable variety of supplies they have. It was almost like there was too much. I found myself looking at displays and having to look again because there were so many things I kept missing stuff. I have to confess I did think their findings selection was a little disappointing, but then I maybe have more specific needs these days. That said, it certainly got my brain ticking over with ideas… And I’m sure I'll be going back!


Finally, the UK Gang is about to have another Business Card Swap! I organised one around about this time last year and it was a lot of fun. It was so great to not only see everyone's cards but also to be able to send them out into the world with my orders. I suggested another one to the "Gang" and I'm so pleased that it's going to be going ahead! Yay!

(If anyone else wants to join in on the swap, just give me a holler! Please let me know by this coming Friday (25th January) if you'd like to take part :) Oh, and obviously this is a UK Gang swap so it's just open to UK Etsy sellers! Maybe next year I'll be brave enough to attempt an international one...!)